
Sitting with silence: hospital social work interventions for dying patients and their Families

Felicity Moon, Lucinda Fraser & Fiona McDermott (2019) Sitting with silence: hospital social work interventions for dying patients and their Families, Social Work in Health Care, 58:5, 444-458, DOI: 10.1080/00981389.2019.1586027

The recent controversy around the hospital end of life care has highlighted the vulnerability of dying patients and their families. However, little is known about how social workers provide support and intervention around the end of life in the hospital. Eight hospital social workers provided qualitative descriptions of their clinical practice for adult patients and their families. Highlighting a theoretical orientation towards a person-in-environment approach, social workers develop unique interventions to contribute to multidisciplinary care. Findings emphasize the need to prepare social work students and clinicians for the reality of working with end of life issues.

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