
What does an oncology social worker deal with in patient consultations? - An empirical study

Sara Lilliehorn, Joakim Isaksson & Pär Salander (2019) What does an oncology social worker deal  Lillehordn, S., Isaksson, J., Salander, P. (2019) What does an oncology social worker deal with in  patient consultations? - An empirical study, Social Work in Health Care, 58:5, 494-508, DOI: 10.1080/00981389.2019.1587661.

The oncology social worker is a core profession in the psychosocial care of cancer patients, and has been scrutinised according to its role, function, and delivery of care, primarily from an Anglo-Saxon perspective. There is, however, a lack of studies outside this context, and empirical studies based on individual data. This study is a contribution by exploring the variability in clinical practice from a Swedish perspective. It is based on documentation from one oncology social worker’s (OSW’s) patient contacts over the course of one year. The essence of the majority of contacts was counseling and the patients displayed a wide variety of motives for seeing an OSW. The function of the OSW is thus multifaceted, and the findings suggest that the OSW, in addition to guiding patients in social legislation issues, also should be prepared to act as an anchor in an acute crisis, contain despair in different phases of the trajectory, and facilitate the ‘carrying on as before’ or finding a ‘new normal’. The paper discusses the importance of the OSW being acquainted with different counseling/psychotherapy perspectives in the illness context, but primarily the importance of having the ability to establish a ‘working alliance’ with their patients.

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